AANA Journal Course, AANA Journal, August 1986
Objectives 1. Discuss the ten categories of most frequently occurring critical anesthesia incidents as reported by Cooper. 2. Discuss the nine most commonly associated factors in criticial anesthesia Incidents as reported by Cooper. 3. Identify eight approaches to prevention or early detection of the most frequently occurring critical anesthesia Incidents as reported by Cooper. 4. List the essential steps in the management of an anesthetic mishap. 5. Outline the procedure for peer review based upon objective criteria. Much of today's risk management literature reviews anesthesia mishaps that have been reported as malpractice claims against anesthesia care providers. Cooper and his associates looked at potential mishaps by studying the most frequently occurring incidents which take place during the administration of anesthesia. They also looked at factors which they believed were most frequently associated with causes of the incidents. Awareness of the most frequently occurring incidents and their associated causes should aid anesthesia providers in developing effective risk management programs.